~ an assortment of food cause cancer -. cancer is one disease that is very dangerous and very lethal. cancer is the No. 1 killer disease also in the world.
Cancer is a disease in the skyrocket by several factors such as heredity and environmental factors. as I have explained above that cancer is a disease that is deadly but cancer also can be avoid. because
there is evidence that some sort of limiting certain foods, can prevent
and delay the onset of cancer don't even grow cancer.
food causes cancer is usually foods that are rich in sugar, refined carbohydrates, artificial preservatives and byproduct of frying results. These
foods also have a negative impact on health in General, can affect the
cardiovascular system, nervous system and reproductive system. These foods can also cause disease of diabetes is also one of the dangerous disease, and can lead to heart disease.
There are several types of food cause cancer that often we eat in everyday life. may we never miss to not eating food causes this cancer disease. well, what are some foods that cause dangerous diseases such cancer
He is 5 of them
5 Unhealthy Food Cause Cancer
1 Doughnut
food is indeed not very in demand because of the doughnut contains
three main properties of staple food causes cancer: namely in the fried,
contain artificial sugar levels, and carbohydrates in the puree. for that cut down on eating doughnuts to keep you free from cancer.
2 Sweet Drinks
Often we find the sweet drinks that contain artificial sugar is very high. so in essence with a sweet drink and drank the same as you plant the seeds of cancer in your body. unless you are drinking sweet drinks are made from natural sugars
3 French fries
The fries are one of the very tasty snack which may very often you eat. Notice that the fries are cancer-causing foods are very dangerous? because fries make stir-fried with oil that can cause cancer. also carbohydrates in potatoes if met with the oil will produce a substance called Acrylamide. Acrylamide
is a substance causes the tumor and also a potent neurotoxin that has
an adverse effect not only on the brain, but on the reproductive system
as well. so think twice about eating this one.
4 Hot Dog
Hot Dogs Are renowned as excellent food for hungry delay. but it turns out the hot dog is a food causes cancer. why such as meat on hot dog preserved. and by preserving meat was one of the factors of disease-causing cancer.
5 Grilled Meat
When the meat of animals in fuel, a number of mutagenic and toxic substances are formed. many of these substances are exactly the same as burning tobacco or smoking. having the nature of toxic and pose a cancer risk. According
to the National Cancer Institute, colon cancer, cancer of the stomach
and other digestive system cancer associated with high intake of meat
grilled or roasted meat. Although not a lot of research about the effects for other foods that burned like toast, a similar effect may occur.
See also: symptoms of appendicitis
That's 5 unhealthy food cause cancer that you should avoid. Hopefully by reading this article could be reasonably free from diseases and cancer